The government negotiating party – leading several days of dialogue with the teachers’ unions in the framework of the Presidium of the Social Dialogue – proposed on Friday a new social contract for the professional group of teachers, including increases and changing working conditions. The proposal envisages a significant increase in wages, taking into account the systemic jump-Efficiency – increasing the size of normal working hours in the OECD average in two variants. The tangible result of the new social contract are higher wages, which in 2023 would amount to – depending on the variant – a certified teacher or 7700 zł 8100 zł gross miesięcznie.zobacz also Chwedoruk: times the mass strikes will never come back. Teachers protest is a symbol of [INTERVIEW] “The government only exacerbates the conflict with the teachers? The new proposal Beata Awl and interruption of negotiations »The increases would cover all groups of teachers (interns, contract, appointed and qualified). In the case of the last stage career advancement are established increases in 2100 to up to 2,500 zlotys per month within four years. Certified teacher receives after making changes in the coming years, a variant of normal working hours 22 h 2020 – 6128 zł, 2021 – 6653 zł, 2022 – 7179 zł, 2023 – 7704 zł.
Where it is teaching load of 24 hours (the level of the OECD average) certified teacher could count on average following an increase in wages in 2020 – 6335 zł, 2021 – 7434 zł, 2022 – 7800 zł, 2023 – 8100 zł. “Increasing teaching load would be walking and covered cyclic increase it every year, along with the hike granted until a ceiling of 22 (or 24) hours at the board in 2023. Assumptions also include a forecast of natural attrition of teachers from the profession (eg due to retirement). the average of the years go 2010-2018 is in the range of 25-30 thousand. per year, and 80 per cent. of outgoing teachers is not replaced. estimates suggest that allows it to make changes without any additional staff reductions. presented by the government solutions are an additional offer next to the already complex .See also Broniarz: We, the teachers, we are slaves? [interview RIGAMONTI] »on Monday Extraordinary white meeting RDS to previous proposals made by the Ministry during the January negotiations Deputy Awl added shortening the path of professional advancement, including trainee internship for up to 9 months, determine the amount of the allowance for education at the level of not less than 300 zł and reducing bureaucracy. On Tuesday, the government declared “other form of wage growth in education – on the basis of changes in the reallocation of extras” so that in September, teachers’ salaries have risen not by 5, but by more than 9 percent. According to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No 531/2012 of 13 June 2012. On roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union with effect from 1 July 2015.
You need to update rates by applying the reference exchange rates for the use of services mobile roaming. Roaming charges from July 2014 Source: Press Materials Existing service charges are updated both at wholesale and detalicznym.Wysokość detalicznychKonsumenci fees from 1 July. will therefore pay no more than describe the table below: roaming rates in 2015. Source: Press Materials Comment: 1 Euro = 4.0889 PLN (the average of the reference exchange rates published on 03.03., 01.04., 05.01.2015 r. in the Official Journals of the European Union ) Unofficially, in the telecommunications industry talks about having several times the increase use of the Internet abroad after the abolition of roaming charges. Several times also increased the number of voice calls. For operators, this is not good news, because of the implementation of RLAH (roam like at home), which allows other EU countries can use their mobile phones as in Poland, at no additional charge, these services have become scarce. Wholesale price for 1 GB is several times higher than the detalicznej.zobacz: New rules for roaming within the European Union »Orange operator with the largest customer base in the forecast this year’s financial results reported, that the abolition of roaming charges by nearly 50 million zł decrease in EBITDA ( earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization). – The effects of the abolition of roaming charges will be felt in the results for the third and fourth quarter.
This year – says Maciej Bobrowski, director of information and analysis of Dom Maklerski BDM. – But I think the damage will not have a fundamental impact on future results telecom – he adds. The forecast by Orange for the year adjusted EBITDA roaming damage does not reach even 2 percent. – Roaming never accounted for a significant amount of EBITDA in the structure of the industry – agrees Księżopolski Konrad, director of analysis listed in Haitong Bank. – After the first months of the new regulations the company will lose for sure, but now we can only guess how much – adds Księżopolski. How we use roaming abroad Source: Dziennik Gazeta Prawna operators themselves for the balance of the month of RLAH they are still reluctant. – Movement of us grew noticeably. This applies to calls, SMS and data – announces Wojciech Jabczyński, a spokesman for the Orange Poland. Equally terse Arkadiusz Majewski Corporate Communications Plus. – We see an increase in the number of calls, SMS, and data – states. Play recognizes that notably increased use of the Internet. In turn, the virtual operator Virgin Mobile has a 50-percent increase in the use of services – is the average for the transmission of data, voice and SMS.
Already at the beginning of June EY he warned in its report that “the free roaming but someone will pay and will be both telecoms, as well as their customers.” RLAH costs could compensate operators to raise rates for telecommunication services in the country. None of the big four telecom promises not passing costs on to customers. – We’re not going to be a rise in domestic rates, and I do not think any operator of a permitted it. Risking loss of customers – says Tomasz Kulisiewicz, market expert telekomunikacyjnego.zobacz also for “Roam Like at Home,” someone will have to pay “an open declaration to this effect is made only Virgin Mobile. – We do not anticipate raising prices of telecommunications services, because we consider it inappropriate that the overwhelming number of our customers – more than 90 percent. – paying higher bills, which will cover the cost of roaming generated by less than 10 percent. users who travel abroad – informs Ruciński Charles, manager at Virgin Mobile. The operator is looking for another solution: applied to UKE for permission to additional charges for roaming in the EU. – We want our users to have confidence that will not be charged hidden fees, so that the operator will want to compensate itself costs incurred in connection with the abuse by some customers cheap Polish tenders in the EU, for example. Poles working in the EU or foreigners living on the border Polish – justifies Charles Ruciński.
Such proposals submitted and also Plus + nc. As we learned, we will soon join them Netia. According to the tax ordinance after the end of the fiscal year by 30 April of the following year, taxpayers are required to submit evidence to the tax authorities of the amount of income or losses incurred in a tax year. In accordance with Article. 12 of the Act, if the last day of the period falls on a Saturday or public holiday, the deadline for the last shall be the day after the non-working days. Like this year, the deadline is May 2. T-36 applies in particular to persons engaged in non-agricultural activities taxed so. general principles using the tax scale 18 to 32 percent. It is also the taxpayers who have received income from rent or lease titles and persons who received income abroad.
T-36L consists of taxpayers, who led the non-agricultural business or special agricultural production taxed at 19 percent. tax. This form is intended only for taxpayers clearing the indywidualnie.zobacz also: Voluntary health insurance contributions also deduct PIT »PIT 2015: One-third of Poles consists of testimony at the last minute» Fiskus cut pro-family relief »Declaration will not make entities engaged settled lump sum unless kept on record They have two types of operations – one is taxed by a scale (T-36) and the other – and kept on record in the lump (T-28). In this case they shall submit two tax returns – for each activity separately. Each of these forms should be submitted to 2 May. Also to this day they have to account for entrepreneurs who have achieved the titles of income from activities carried out in the special economic zone on the basis of the authorization.
They must file Form SSE-R, which is the Annex to the statement PIT-36. Source: Ministry of Finance Agnieszka Sułowska of the IBE emphasizes that changes in the educational system should encourage teachers to appreciate the way of thinking of students. He explains that there is no way of recording is essential, it need not be so. aptekarsko accounting for every detail. It should be such as to enable the student to understand the way of thinking. Dr. Martin Smolik – the director of the Central Commission for Education encourages teachers to have modified their methods and adapted them to the changes that have occurred. Urges to solve tasks and less focus on how to troubleshoot, discuss them and compared.
Criticizes solving very large number of tests and trial explains that this is the wrong direction. See also: Parliament amended the law teaching: More children in the classes, the new rules pedagogical supervision »Several Senate’s amendments to the amendment of the Act education» Dr. Christopher Biedrzycki of IBE says that students well coped with reading text on a literal level, worse with inference and independent thinking. Children know how to tell the story and present the hero, but fails grammar. While the poor cope with the technical problems of language: grammar, spelling, punctuation. You have to work at it – he said.
This year, sixth grade students will have their first test post in the new formula. The government wants to convey disciplinary commissions in the hands of local governments. As a result, the teacher will be evaluated not, as yet, by the school, but for example. By the mayor. Slawomir Broniarz asserted that in such a situation can lead to misunderstandings, even at the level of worldview. “Imagine that we have to deal with the local government, which has the opinion that the past of man is due to the phenomena with which Darwin has nothing to do. The teacher of a different opinion will be subject to in such a case, the judgment of people with quite original views on evolution. Speech autonomy stops at this point to have any raison d’etre “- said Broniarz.
This is not the only Polish Teachers’ Union objections to the proposed changes. The objections also apply to promotion procedures, changes in the remuneration of teachers, recording their time, changes in sick leave and holiday and modification of financing dosolenia professional educators – says Slawomir Broniarz. In connection with the proposals of the government, the PNA does not rule out a strike or other form of protest. 4 November at a meeting of activists of the Union will be decided in this case. The Labor Code provides lasting employment to people who are missing less than four years of age, about how much of this age period of employment will enable them to obtain the rights to emerytury.Od January 1, 2013 in Poland began Although raising the retirement age, but people who before this date have been protected against dismissal, they can use it until the high age of entitlement to a pension, even if it will take more than 4 years. Gallery: Miners, teachers, farmers – that is, who can count on Poland pension privileges When the protection is not obowiązujeOchrona employees retirement age is not unlimited. First of all, the right is granted only to persons employed under a contract of employment – while it may already be a contract concluded for a fixed term, indefinite or for a trial period.
It does not count as part-time dimension, so it can even be 1/4. Moreover, the protection ceases to apply if the worker has become entitled to a pension for incapacity for work (but partial inability to work does not abolish the protection of pre-retirement). The finding of incapacity for work is not enough, however, to dismiss the employee. As held by the Supreme Court (judgment of 18 January 2012. II PK 149/11), protection of pension tolerate only ZUS decision on granting the right to świadczenia.zobacz also: See who has the retirement protection »With pre-retirement protection can only be used once »no safeguard provisions shall also apply in the event of bankruptcy or liquidation of the company.
The employer may therefore in this case also terminate the employment of a person in the retirement age, unless it comes to bankruptcy with the possibility of an arrangement (the Supreme Court judgment of 16 March 2010. I PZP 2/10). The employer may also not adhere to the principles of protection, if there is reason to terminate the contract without notice the fault of the employee. This may best algebra assignment help service include serious misconduct, a crime that prevents further employment by the employee or wrongful loss of privileges necessary to perform work at the position held. When you release the disciplinary employee, you will learn here >> Finally, even if there are grounds to terminate the employment contract of employment without notice, without his fault he does not benefit from the pension protection.
Such an employee can be released when: inability to work due to illness lasts longer than three months – if the employee has been employed with the employer for less than 6 months or longer than the total period for which this remuneration and benefits and download rehabilitation benefit for the first 3 months – if the employee has been employed with the employer for at least 6 months or if the disability was caused by an accident at work or occupational disease, in the case of justified absence of the employee for reasons other than illness, and lasting more than one miesiąc.Więcej about it, when you can release the sick worker read here >> An employer may reduce pensjęZakaz termination of employment to people of retirement age also applies to notice changing. However, also in this case, the employer may change the working conditions or pay a subordinate if it became necessary due to the introduction of new rules on the remuneration of all employees employed in the company or that the group to which the employee belongs. Head of the protected employee has the right to give notice changing even if the medical certificate stated the loss of ability to perform the current work by the employee or the employee there was a culpable loss of the rights necessary to perform work.