Our Services

Hydrogeological Surveys
Hydrogeological Surveys for Borehole Site Investigations, groundwater availability studies and management, water resources management, aquifer mapping and modeling, well-field designs, groundwater monitoring, aquifer studies. Borehole condition assessment, groundwater recharge, groundwater quality assessment, determination of groundwater abstraction patterns and borehole density etc.

Borehole Condition Assessment
Borehole condition done on problematic existing boreholes to investigate the cause of such problems and the way forward to solve the problems or recommend alternatives to supplement the water supply etc.

Borehole Camera Scanning Service
Borehole camera scanning service involves a perfect High definition colour scanning system along with DVD recording.
- Scanning can be done up to 300m.
- A review of the borehole from an experience expert.
- The results from the scanning process is used to determine the current condition of the borehole including any problems with the borehole.

Water Well drilling
Water well drilling for Domestic,Industrial and Agricultural purpose using DTH Drilling ( Down the hole) and Rotary Drilling

Water Quality Testing
Water quality testing is done by collecting water samples from bore well and testing is done to find the quality of the water.

Geophysical Surveys

Drilling in Mines
We are expert in Reverse Circulation (RC), Core Drilling (CD), Air Core Drilling (AC),Dehydration boreholes and Blast Hole Drilling.

Installation and Erection
We install electrical submersible pumps, solar submersible pumps and mechanical hand pumps for Bore wells.